Fractional Property Investments

Fractional Property Investments

The Fractional Property Investment program, provided by the Property Investment Store (PIStore), offers a unique opportunity for various types of investors to purchase a share in property investments. This innovative approach allows investors to diversify their portfolios and participate in the real estate market with lower capital requirements.

How It Works

Eligibility and Investment Amount

Description:The program is designed for SMSF investors with cash in their super, young investors with small deposits, mum and dad investors who can’t get full approval for property purchases, conservative investors not wanting large commitments, and those looking to diversify their investments across multiple properties. The minimum investment starts at $40,000 for a 5% ownership stake in a property.

Why We Excel:PIStore’s fractional investment model is tailored to a wide range of investors, making property investment accessible without the need for large capital outlays. This flexibility helps in mitigating risks and diversifying investment portfolios effectively.

Property Management and Returns

Description:PIStore exclusively offers properties through this program, with a focus on NDIS SDA Homes in high-growth areas. These properties are managed by SDA Management Australia, ensuring high occupancy rates and efficient property management. Rental returns are paid monthly, providing a steady income stream for investors.

Why We Excel:By specializing in NDIS SDA Homes, PIStore ensures high rental yields and reliable property management. Investors benefit from consistent returns and professional management services, maximizing their investment’s potential.

Selling and Exiting Investments

Description: If an investor wishes to sell their share, SAFE Property has the first right of refusal. If declined, PIStore assists in finding a buyer for the investor’s share. Investors can also purchase multiple shares or invest in multiple properties for greater diversification.

Why We Excel: PIStore provides a structured and supportive process for exiting investments, ensuring that investors can liquidate their shares when needed. This flexibility is crucial for investors seeking liquidity and flexibility in their investment strategy.

Maintenance and Tax Implications

Description: Investors are responsible for maintenance and repair costs proportional to their ownership share. Additionally, both income and capital gains tax obligations fall on the purchasing entity, ensuring transparency and compliance with tax regulations.

Why We Excel: PIStore ensures clear and straightforward management of maintenance and tax responsibilities, providing investors with detailed information and support to manage their obligations effectively.

Why Choose Our Services?


Leveraging our deep knowledge of the property market and specialized focus on NDIS SDA Homes, we provide reliable and profitable investment opportunities.


Our fractional investment model allows for varied investment sizes and diversified portfolios, catering to different investor needs.


Effective service delivery ensures your SMSF setup and management are handled seamlessly.


We offer comprehensive support throughout the investment lifecycle, from purchase to exit.

General Advice Disclaimer

This information is general advice only and does not take into account your personal circumstances. It is not professional or financial advice. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where applicable, seek professional advice from a financial advisor.

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